The St. Louis Post-Dispatch featured the Feldenkrais Method on the front page of its Health section! Click here to view the article online: New Health Movement Targets Self-Awareness. (October 2012)
The St. Louis Magazine featured the Feldenkrais Method in its Women’s Health edition. Click here to view the on-line article: Inside the Feldenkrais Method’s “sensory puzzles for the brain” (Sept. 2017)
The New York Times’ own Jane Brody featured the Feldenkrais Method in an article this fall. Click here to view the on-line version: Trying the Feldenkrais Method for Chronic Pain (Oct. 30, 2017)
With Feldenkrais You Can:
Improve Skills and Performance
Relieve Pain (chronic or acute)
Enhance Flexibility and Balance
Gain Coordination and Strength
Prevent and recover from Injury
EXAMPLES of People helped by Learning FELDENKRAIS:
a 36yr old learns to walk without knee pain after 15 years of chronic pain in her joints
a baby with a brachial plexus injury learns to use her arm
a 70yr old plays PAIN FREE on the floor with her grandkids despite bulging discs and spinal stenosis
a 22yr old professional dancer finds mobility in her ribs improving her arabesque
a 34yr old runner improves her mile time after learning to run with her whole self
a 55yr old migraine sufferer gets sustainable relief from chronic pain
a 5yr old regains mobility in his elbow without stretching or pain after being in a cast
a 41yr old in a high stress job finds Feldenkrais classes the most relaxing apart of her week
a 63yr old avoids back surgery after learning to coordinate her core
a 42 year old computer programmer with incipient wrist problems is able to increase his speed on the keyboard after learning how to use his arms and hands more efficiently
a 28 year old woman goes through her third pregnancy, but the first one without back pain
a 55-year old woman is able to lift her affectionate 2 year old granddaughter without straining her back
a 40-year old cellist becomes so creative in developing new, less strained positions to play in that she able to extend her musical repertoire.
a 9-year old with learning disabilities can read a full page competently and gains self-confidence in his intelligence.
a 19-year old diver is able to visualize and perform the complex series of movements needed to accomplish an intricate endeavor more proficiently.
a 78-year old man walks a mile daily, free of chronic knee pain he’s had for 30 years.
a 32-year old man learns to reuse his hands after a crippling auto accident.
a 22-year old man with a brain tumor who has struggled with balance all his life, learns to get up from the floor with grace and ease.